1. No Cursing, Use of such language will not be tolerated, as this is a family-friendly forum. so in other words, keep it PG.
2. No Inappropriate pictures such as Nudity/Porn/etc. (We will remove any posts that have those kinds of pictures in them, as they can be disturbing.)
3. No Flagging/Reporting a post for no reason.
4. No Arguing/Fighting. We like to have peaceful conversations here.
6. No Spamming/Flooding
7. No Advertising
For Rule #:
1. 1-2 Strike(s)
2. 3-4 Strikes
3. 5 Strikes
4. 3-5 Strikes
5. Instant Username/IP Ban
6. 4 Strikes
7. 1-3 Strikes
If you haven't done so already please go ahead and read the profile rules.